NAIFA Live presents high-quality speakers and programming during monthly educational and networking events hosted by state chapters. Many are eligible for CE credits. Attend in-person or virtually.
The NAIFA Limited & Extended Care Planning Center is a virtual center to equip agents and advisors with information, designation and educational resources on trends and issues affecting the care industry and consumers.
Thought Leadership Centers in areas of Diversity & Inclusion and Advanced Markets advance our industry and membership development with resources and case studies in sales and marketing, recruitment and training and personal leadership.
The NAIFA Professional Pathway will put you on the right path to success with a dynamic, online, self-assessment tool linked to a comprehensive set of professional standards to help you assess where you are and what you need to do to take your practice to the next level.
Invest in your education, earn professional designations, and build your network with NAIFA membership so you will reach your potential and guide your clients to financial security.
YAT Young Advisor Team
The mission of the Young Advisors Team (YAT) is to sow the value of membership with new and young advisors, so they are empowered to survive their first years in the business, to grow into involved NAIFA members and become successful advisors who thrive in the industry and our association.
If you're a NAIFA member who is in their first five years in business and / or under the age of 40 and would like to hear about informal networking events with other industries, please send us an email and we'll add you to our invitation list.
LILI Leadership in Life Institute
The mission of (LILI) Leadership in Life Institute is to develop leadership by fostering personal growth, enhancing business practices and developing skills necessary for effective leadership. LILI is a leadership development course offered exclusively to NAIFA members. The curriculum includes creating a business plan, exploring tools to improve your practice and techniques to enhance interpersonal relationships – all for a fraction of cost of other certificate programs.
The course offers:
- The best in leadership and personal development thinking
- Tools to improve your practice and create a business plan
- Increased understanding of self and improved interpersonal relationships
- Techniques to achieve work-life balance
- Expanded professional network
- Continued opportunities for growth through LILI alumni programs
- Leadership opportunities in your local or state association
Take your career to the next level – join NAIFA. You could spend an hour a day, every single day, reviewing all the information and industry news that can elevate your business. Whether, it's 1x a week or an hour every day – there's more information and new industry news from NAIFA Delaware and NAIFA National than you'll be able to keep up with!